30 Best Friend Graduation Picture ideas
College was fun, isn’t it? Ask someone who never had friends, though, they will have different answers! Friends are so integral part of life. We love them but do not…
College was fun, isn’t it? Ask someone who never had friends, though, they will have different answers! Friends are so integral part of life. We love them but do not…
A wedding is a special occasion not only for the bride and groom but for both extended families too. For some it may be the first wedding in the house…
Weddings? The day when two souls name each other to each other and scope of loving unconditionally increases once again. Once again, the lovebirds justify the power of love over…
They did it! Through all these years, cherishing the ups and thanking ups in their downs! They did look after you and your family and home and everything else about…
“A relationship doesn’t need to be bad to be bad for you!” 9 out of 10 people end up realising that they were into a wrong relationship. And trust me,…
How to start your speech, when you want to say something about your sister who is going to marry a hunky man? Well, it is not that difficult. We have…
Yes; you love him and he loves you! And he is just crazy for you and so do you are! But is that enough! Is loving each other enough? NO!…
Don’t you hate that feeling when you watch your man sleeping on the couch all alone? Well, you suffer too when your heart feels vacant by watching the vacant side…
The wall between “Look, I said I am sorry okay? Now don’t overact!” and “Love, I am sorry. I know I did wrong and I promise I won’t do it…
“Oh baby, tell me what is that making you feel sad! I will give you my hand and pull you out of any situation that works no better for you.”…