40 Living in the Moment Quotes & Photography Ideas
Some say we get life again and again in different forms, Some say we don’t. So some take that very life for granted, But I definitely won’t. Life is a…
Some say we get life again and again in different forms, Some say we don’t. So some take that very life for granted, But I definitely won’t. Life is a…
College was fun, isn’t it? Ask someone who never had friends, though, they will have different answers! Friends are so integral part of life. We love them but do not…
“A relationship doesn’t need to be bad to be bad for you!” 9 out of 10 people end up realising that they were into a wrong relationship. And trust me,…
Having a positive outlook towards life brings you joy and act as a crucial part if you are looking for some inspiration, isn’t it guys! Today, we are dedicating this…
Isn’t that true that all that we think, all that we deeply aspire and desire cannot be achieved in just one lifetime? Half of our lives are wasted in letting…
Don’t you hate that feeling when you watch your man sleeping on the couch all alone? Well, you suffer too when your heart feels vacant by watching the vacant side…
What your day will give you depends completely upon how you start it! People often feel fallen apart with such small incidents that they cannot concentrate anywhere then! Some small…
“Oh baby, tell me what is that making you feel sad! I will give you my hand and pull you out of any situation that works no better for you.”…
“Congratulations ma’am! You are, now “THE” senior business executive representing our company all over the globe and stepping up its level to a new, heightened mark.” Oh my god, a…