50 Mini indoor Garden Ideas for anyone

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Now-a-days, people are facing many problems which are because of growth of certain selected cities. Due to unavailability of jobs and opportunities in rural areas and for good jobs, growth, better living standards, people from rural areas are shifting towards metro cities. In urban areas, there is a lot of problem with space and home and just because of the space we need to adjust with many things. In this article, we are going to provide you few mini indoor garden ideas so that you can continue your gardening hobby and make your home and city a green place.

But if your home is a having quite big space for greenery then, modern garden ideas can possible help you to beautify your dream home as per your requirements.

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I assure you that, you will definitely love these fantastic ideas to beautify your home with these mini indoor garden ideas. To provide some of the best ideas for mini indoor garden to make your home environment green we have collected few ideas for you. Check out our top ideas which are mentioned below.

Mini indoor Garden Ideas

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Coconut Hanging Pot

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Coconut pots are very famous these days and look naturals to a hanging basket. These are usually basket which are made from wire and can be found easily hanging round balconies. Whenever you hang a coconut pot or any other plant make sure you take little extra care and perform some more steps to ensure security.

Try cultivating mushrooms

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Small flats and apartments which are out of the direct reach of sunlight and wind, which lend themselves growing loving mushrooms. There are a huge variety of mushrooms which are available in the market from mushrooms to exotic ranges which includes shit lake logs mushroom and many others. These mushrooms are ready to bear fruit within 3 – 4 months.

Hanging colorful planter

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These hanging flowers are very colorful and will brighten up your day by splashing and color to your home. These modern neon and colorful planter are hand knotted which comes with selection of elegant and brilliant color.

Growing and caring for Orchids

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Elegant and stylish orchid is an ideal idea for indoor planting. As, orchids require little care and maintenance preferring a mist of water once a week.

  • You can grow these orchids in planter and keep them in your drawing room or in the hallway.
  • It is one of the best indoor garden ideas for anyone.
  • Try to keep the plants in row as when they bear flowers, it will look adorable.

Sober cute ladder planter

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The moment you will look this simple and cute ladder planter idea, I believe you will just go mad and crazy to have a same ladder in your home.

  • For executing this idea, all you need a ladder and cut it steps and place pot on their place. Try to make arrange minimum 4 pots and fill them with the plants which bear the most beautiful flower.
  • Select the plants according to the direct sunlight and wind available in the room where you planning to keep this ladder planter.
  • This is one of the best mini indoor garden designs to go for your drawing room or balcony.

Recycled bottles

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With this mini indoor idea we can recycle the bottles i.e. water and wine both. This is a better initiative to use plastic bottles for a good cause.  Make a big square space in the middle of the bottle and fill the base with soil. Tie the mouth of the bottle with a rope and use it as a hanging planter. And the space we made, use that space to plant tiny plants and water them. In wine bottles we can plant those plants which grow in water like: Exotic green, marsh marigold etc.

Indoor moss garden

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Indoor moss garden idea is very elegant and famous in big hotels and motels. In this, we grow moss grass in vertical way. When we read the idea, it seems something to be foolish or unexpected. But when you will have a glance at this in real, I am sure you will love this decent way to decorate the wall and use the space effectively.

Wooden planter stand 

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Bring a wooden plant stand from market or you can ask the carpenter to make a wooden stand for pots of our own design as per the space available. Keep the wooden planter stand and after that start planting plants in the space provided and groom your home interior with these sweet and beautiful plants.

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With these above discussed mini indoor garden ideas, all you need is to start working and executing on these ideas. This way you will save yourself from spending huge amount of money to decorate your home that too in an eco-friendly way. So, use your mind in an effective and efficient way to make your home and this earth a greener place to live.