Apologizing to Turn Relations Back On? Yeah, It’s Necessary to Learn

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The wall between “Look, I said I am sorry okay? Now don’t overact!” and “Love, I am sorry. I know I did wrong and I promise I won’t do it again.” is just almost invisible. And that tiinnnyyyyy, tiny wall is what creates huugggeeee gap between relations, you know? There is one simple thing that you need to understand. Saying sorry doesn’t end it all you have to learn to apologize like you mean it.

Wait! Isn’t that the same thing you would wish to listen coming from the mouth of those hurting you? Then, have guts to do the same when you are at wrong place.

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Apologizing to Turn Relations Back On? Yeah, It’s Necessary to Learn

#1 Sensible to Responsibility

It is understandable that you, too, can feel hurt about feeling of hurt being clouded all over your heart. But when that makes you insensible towards what the other person is feeling, it is inacceptable. And then comes the state when your brain is forcing consuming you inside out to perceive that “YOU WERE HURT” making it difficult for you to apologize.

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Yeah, the left-brain-logic controlled world it is and right-brain has got nothing but the lifetime imprisonment good and evil. It gets to control only the passion and creativity that has so-much-of-nothing that all it could say is “here, be happy – smile” or “It is sad and you have to cry a lot!”  Don’t let false perceptions come in the way of ever growing, forever strong relations. Though, it is not that easy!

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Listening to what heart says is partially right and partially wrong. The same goes for listening to brain. When you need strength to say sorry, ask heart and he will enlist all the good reasons of why you should save the relations. And ask your brain, when you are feeling vulnerable and want strength to be first to apologize (even when you aren’t wrong).

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Now the timing, yeah they are important to be considered to make your apology worth the hit at the other person’s heart. You being ready to say sorry doesn’t make the other person ready to listen to it and understand it. So, you better wait some time before you apologize. If no, then go, apologize and then wait. Don’t expect an instant response or it will make the situation worse.

#2 Just; LET IT GO!

And let me make it clear that letting it go doesn’t mean to simply forgive and forget. It can do nothing good if you fail at healing your wound. It is going to keep flashing again and again and again failing you at forgetting the bad situations as well.

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And it is not that tough to heal, you know! All you have to do is to forget about who was right and who was wrong and who should have apologized and this and that! Just focus on one thing that you have your relation in hands and you have got to save it from these tiny hurdles above all. The idea of rights and wrongs, often, is the reason of destructing relations. Just a whim and you can see your ideas with wrong foundation changing.

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See where you stand wrong rather than pointing at others’ mistakes! Learn to take that “I didn’t intend to hurt you” part into consideration and act accordingly. It is way better than to be miserable at holding onto the grieve of bad situation and feeling of hurt.

Incredible Ways to Apologize and Save Relations

    • Just a simple hug could make them stay when their heart’s forcing them to leave. Yeah, she may start crying too hard that makes it difficult to handle her. But a hug; just a hug will give her comfort instantly when no words can.

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    • Write out something coming straight from your heart. And please, please don’t let the mind interrupt. It may be a good poetry or an emotional letter expressing all that you are feeling now! Don’t act anything you aren’t feeling and try to keep it simple with just the words you feel like saying for apologizing.

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    • Thanks to Google and Pinterest for giving you incredible ideas that will help you tell the other significant how you feel about your mistake. And how much it matters for you to resolve the wrestle. Telling them how important they are to you and how you feel incomplete without them. (Cause I’m sure you cannot afford even a single moment to cherish with him. Wink!)

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    • Yeah, it is possible that he is feeling so much that he is not finding any reason to get back. Let’s give some then, okay? How about creating a cute collage of memories captured in photos. Take them to the place you both had great time or gift them something they have been striving for since infinite time.

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  • Cry! Yeah, that works when nothing else does! (and that doesn’t give you the permit to pretend or something)

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Follow these Mulmantra and you will see your relations strengthening day by day. Being capable of apologizing is an asset that is rare to find or inculcate in you. you are lucky that you have it. so better don’t let it go and you will cherish every relationship carry them till the end.



