40 Tested Over the Knee Boot Outfits

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Knee Boots are the weakness of every woman at any given day. Any why not! They always increase the style quotient of whichever dress you wear, giving the outfit that ‘extra’ edge. And when we are talking about Boots – Over the Knee Boots are the latest fad. But of course, you just can’t wear anything and everything with a pair of over the knee boots. A small mistake in proper clubbing of dress can lead to a fashion disaster. So, here we are, to help you out with a list of the best and tested over the knee boot outfits to help you look cool and classy and to put your best foot forward. Below we have compiled a list of tested over the knee boot outfits just for you. Keep reading to grab the style:

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Tested Over the Knee Boot Outfits

Shorts – Of course

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When we talk about over the knee boot outfits, Shorts can never go wrong. Pair your shorts with a long sweater and these over the knee boots for that bold and beautiful look and it is not going to disappoint you for sure.

Slouchy Clothing

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A slouchy sweater or a sweatshirt with a pair of ripped jeans is the best match for over the knee boots. Make your hair into a bun and you are all set to spot that cool and casual look. Accessories your look with a pair of sun glasses and shows that confidence to the world.

Leggings & Tights for the Boots

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You can indeed pair your knee boot with that Legging and the Tights that was dumped on your wardrobe since long. Club the look with a long shirt or t-shirt and there you go. It is indeed the most tested over the knee boot outfits.

Short Pencil Dress

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A rightly fit short pencil dress can be the best pair for those over the knee boots. A pair of black knee boots can add a stylish element to that pencil dress you have in your wardrobe. Be it of any color for that matter giving your appearance a stylish and glamorous look.

Skater Dress

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Is it winter and you are missing your skater dress? Team it up with over the knee boots for that classy look. Wear it above your tights and it will keep you warm and for summers just let go the tights. Skater dresses with over the knee boots are a perfect match for any weather to give you a classy trendy look any season.

Skirts – Say Yes to them!

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A short skirt with a leather jacket and these pair of sexy over the knee boots – nothing can go wrong with that combination. Fashionistas vouch it to be the best and tested over the knee boot outfit for any occasion – clubbing, pubbing or just a casual hang out. Be ready to rock with style.

Tunics all the way

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A long Tunic top or dress with that pair of over the knee boots looks quite trendy indeed. Pair it with a hat and may be a pair of sun-glasses and get that boho look that suits every occasion and makes you stand out in style.

Plaids for that Chic Look

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The plaid mini-skirt on your wardrobe can be a good match for your sexy over the knee boots. Pair it with a loose sweater and what else do you need! It is a tested over the knee boot outfit to enhance your look.

Long Sweaters and Coats


To upgrade your winter style, wear that long sweater you got with a simple tee and a short or skirt beneath it and of course those over the knee boots. Accessories your look with some classy bags and chains and you are all ready to create a preppy look and make a fashion statement for the peers.

Leathers Again!

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A long blouse and a pair of black leather leggings are the tested over the knee boot outfit for any weather. Leathers can never go wrong and black leathers with over the knee boots are a perfect fit for every event. What’s more, it gives you a classy and trendy look to stand out amongst the rest.

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So, here you go! Try these tested over the knee boot outfits this year and start making some really cool and pretty fashion statements and look the best amongst the rest. Don’t forget to pair it with the right accessories to edge up your look a bit more. Stay stylish while on the go!
