What “Wood” you paint? We’ve all done it already in our childhood – doodling with chalk on the wooden planks. There’s something earthy about painting on wood planks. Henceforth, it is constantly reinvented by DIYers, painters and artists. Wooden plank paintings instantly give the rustic vibes when hanged in the living room. For ages, painters have used wood planks as a painting medium. Before you begin with paintings on wood planks, there might be a series of questions on painting techniques on wood. To clear them all and help you get an idea, here are modest examples of paintings on wood planks. When you get your hands filthy with paint, you’ll realize anyway what watercolor painting is, it merits each torment and joy.
Modest Examples of Paintings On Wood Planks
How Do You Prep Wood For Painting?
To begin with modest examples of paintings on wood planks, let’s start with the basic techniques. Before we paint on wood plank, it is obvious to desire the wooden surface to be smooth and clean. The smoothest of surface gives professional look to the paintings. Therefore, it is important to “Prep” the wood for painting, find the following steps for better and smoother wooden surface.
- Immerse the wooden plank in a mixture of TSP and lukewarm water. After a while, take it out and dry wipe it completely. This step will ensure that all the dirt, grime and oil are removed completely. Know all the tips and techniques behind abstract paintings.
- For smooth wooden surface, it is important to sand the wooden plank. Take a sand paper or fine-grit to smooth out the surface of any scratches, teaks and sawdust.
- After sanding enough, remove the dust with a wet cotton cloth. This step will help remove the excess dirt and help paint to bond with the wood.
- Mix small amount of primer with paint if you want to cover the wooden plank with background color.
- When the primer dries completely, sand the wooden plank again for smooth wooden texture.
Prepping the wood is essential before starting to paint on it. Smooth surface makes it easier to paint.
What Kind Of Paint To Use On Wood Planks?
Latex Paint
Interior based latex paint is generally the best sort of paint to use for painting wood planks. It comes in various colors, also easy to apply, and gives extraordinary inclusion. It likewise fixes to a hard, strong completion that needn’t bother with a best coat or sealant.
Also, read [Abstract Wall Painting ideas For a More Artistically Rich Look]
Chalk Paint
Chalk paint is decent on the grounds that it doesn’t expect preliminary to be utilized before painting. If you need a natural painting look, you need to go with chalk paint. Make wood your canvas for wood paintings ideas. To paint your heart out, canvas board is the best painting medium.
Acrylic Paint
Acrylic paint is anything but difficult to discover at art supply stores, is modest, and comes in numerous hues. Additionally, the inclusion of acrylic paint isn’t as solid contrasted with latex paint. If you select one of modest examples of paintings on wood planks with matte finish, then pick acrylic paints.
Also, read [Best Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners]
What Wood Is Best To Paint On?
Picking the correct wood for modest examples of paintings on wood planks will enable you to accomplish a smooth, painted completion. Furthermore, knowing which woods will work best for a painted completion will enable you to pick the most affordable choice. Maintain a strategic distance from oak compressed wood; no measure of sanding or paint will fill the pores in oak. For a refined, smooth completion, pick poplar. These wood species are commonly more affordable than hardwoods, however are smooth and take paint well.
How To Paint Wood Plank Smoothly?
Additive items like Floetrol and Penetrol, are added to your paint. This step will moderate down the drying step and make the paint less sticky. More slender paint sets down better and enables cover up to brush marks. Quick drying is certifiably not a positive thing for paint when you need a sleek completion like wood plank. Great painters never confine themselves to restricted space and materials – as it’s a regularly developing skill.
Put the paint on wood plank and let it smoothed out. Try not to return and work the paint steadily. The snappier you can get the surface secured and “tipped off”, the additional time the paint needs to smooth out as it dries. Try not to return and upset trickles that you see while things are drying. You’ll need to fix it later with the coat. Just like you reused old wooden planks, use can make many awesome things from old tire.
These were the basic things to get started with modest examples of paintings on wood planks. I hope all your doubts regarding wood painting have been answered.