40 Best Dog Tag Tattoos to Try in 2024

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Do you also fall into this last passionate pool of people who are looking for dog tag tattoo inspirations? If yes, then you are just at the right place, because as the year is coming to an end, and you are looking to do something out of the box in the year 2022, we bring to you the best gift to give yourself and to your adorable little pup. Express your love for your partner with these cute couple tattoos that are simply adorable. Here are the Best Dog Tag Tattoos. But if you are still having second thoughts about getting a tattoo, you could consider these temporary tattoo ideas for sure.


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Did you know that the famous dog tags ideas date back to almost 19th century, where it was more used in the military arenas, to pass on information in the form of tags? The Taiping revolt had wooden tags with important information and since then, this concept became quite famous. Isn’t it such a cool idea? The shapes and designs of these tags are so unique that once you like it, you just cannot remove it from your mind! Also, check out these cool and unique Marquesan tattoos if you are in a mood to get some different design. 


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Best Dog Tag Tattoos

Origin of Dog Tags

You may not believe it but the first ever dog tag tattoos originated among the Army and Military people who could not speak for themselves and required something in writing that was allowed in the war zone. The initial dog tags were made of wood and since then, a lot of people tried their hands on changing the material being used to create and carry these dog tags. Finally, it was in the year 1913 that the common dog tags that you see today, was actually materialized.

Evolution of these tags

Wood was the first material to be used to make these Military identification dog tags. Over time, wood was replaced by brass and then by lead and today, it is made of corrosion free metals that are generally used in constructions. Before, Military personnel used these dog tags used them to identify themselves in the war zone, but then it was used for two different purposes – one where they could display their identifications in case of death, and the other reason being religious beliefs of the person possessing it.

Wearing it as an identification tag meant that in case of death during the war, the corpse can be identified. There used to basic personal details imprinted on these tags during wars. The second reason to possess these tags for religious identifications and to show the religious preferences.

Also, it’s not rare these days to get inked with some unique designs that resemble anything that people like. Some are so crazy for few movies that they get tattoos related to that movie too. That’s really fun!


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You could also get tattoos for other important aspects of your life. How about a tattoo dedicated to books? Oh, I am definitely getting one.

Meanings of Famous Dog Tag Tattoos

First, this concept was famous only in the United States of America, but today, it is a rage all over the globe. This tag saw its origin during the American Civil War, and today, it is spread over 36 nations. While this became so famous, there are some hidden meanings to these tattoos, and that is the reason why they actually became a trending concept across the globe –

  • Honor and Courage: These tags represent courage of the Army men. They are the ones who generally are associated with discipline and authority and when they wear these tags, they start representing a part of their soul. So, anybody else who carries these tags, generally carry a message of honor and courage.
  • Patriotism: When the army and Military professional wear these, there is no doubt that they carry these tags with a pride sense of patriotism. If, for a common man, you are just another citizen of the county, possessing this dog tag, will show your respect and love towards the country.
  • Respect: Men and women who have been sacrificing and dedicating their life towards the safety and security of the nation, always deserve an ovation of respect and anybody carrying these tags also represent the same amount of respect for these Military people and towards the nation.
  • Memory: There are some tattoos that also represent and depict memories of certain events. There are a lot of people who directly relate to those Military and Army people who sacrificed their lives for the nation. Their family members wear these tags in loving memory of them.
  • Hope: Whenever an army person enters the war zone, they enter it with a hope to win and make the country proud. This is what the tag represents too. Learn more about tattoos that are considered to bring good luck into one’s life.

The Most Popular Designs of Dog Tag Tattoos


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While you can opt for any tattoo design based on your preferences and the meaning you wish to carry along, the most common dog tag tattoo designs are –


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  • A pair of praying hands
  • Dog tags hanging around the Cross of Jesus Christ
  • The chain of the tags wrapped around barbed wires
  • Dog tags just lying randomly across the surface


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So, go ahead and opt for your favourite and Best Dog Tag Tattoos idea today. Get it inked, and walk with your head up, salute to those brave men and women out there. It’s true what they say anyway, that body is indeed one great canvas.