30 Quick Painting Tutorials for Occasional Painters

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Mixing the Colors


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As much fun it is to start adding colors to your sketch, mixing the colours is a whole other story. It’s messy, no doubt in that. But if you want your painting to be perfect, you must know the art of mixing the colors. There are cheat sheets available that will help you get the gist of mixing the colors or you could explore it more and make one of your own. The type of paint that you will be using will also play an important role here. Every type of paint has some unique features like the acrylic paints darken a little after it’s dried while the oil paints do not. So while creating your colour palette, take into consideration the type of paints you are using in order to create a masterpiece of yours. Here you can learn more about abstract painting.

Experiment a little


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Sometimes it’s good to explore and experiment a little in the world of painting. While brushes are the most important tools of painting, try using other objects that will make some fun shape on the canvas and will add more flair to your painting. Painting with fingers will also be a great idea and using a toothbrush to paint is definitely fun. See how you can use a wine bottle to make some great art stuff.

Artists are not superheroes who create masterpieces in no time. Every beautiful thing takes its own time to come into existence and it’s totally worth it. So take your time while you are making your masterpiece. It doesn’t really matter if it’s little or large!