30 Quick Painting Tutorials for Occasional Painters

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Sometimes it’s an intricately designed door while sometimes it’s a huge castle sitting upon the hills. Sometimes it’s a tree bearing blue leaves while sometimes it’s a unicorn flying in the sky. Speaking of leaves, here take a look at fun leaf art ideas. Imagination can lead you anywhere but the real hard work is to catch it into a canvas. To bring out the unreal characters that exist in your mind’s world on a real paper with all its glory. People who indulge themselves in painting on a regular basis might not suffer many problems to paint the creature of their imagination. But no such luck with the occasional painters here. And that’s why we have brought Quick Painting Tutorials for Occasional Painters.


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Quick Painting Tutorials for Occasional Painters

Decide what you are going to Paint


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Even before you are setting up a canvas, make sure you know what exactly you are going to paint. In this busy life, you don’t want to finally take some time out for painting only to end up with a blank canvas since you just couldn’t choose a subject. Choose a subject that you think you can make and clear your mind for a better vision of your imagination. Make a wooden plan your own canvas with these great wood painting ideas.

In case your imagination isn’t running wild…


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Sometimes it might happen that you want to paint but your mind just couldn’t create a vision to paint on canvas. For beginners, it’s often an issue that they couldn’t just think what exactly to paint. In such cases, you could start with small things and then lead from there. It’s okay to refer to some masterpieces and then try and copy them. You will need to study the painting first with keen eyes and then start drawing with pencil. Always start with a pencil! Look here for art ideas to add a touch of creativity to your home.