25 Most Original Single Mom Quotes (Be Proud)

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Life becomes empty and feels incomplete, you know, when you don’t have a life partner to share your deepest desires and darkest fears and happiest cravings with. Having single is painful. And now, you could totally imagine how it is to be a single mom. All the responsibility of a growing up kid who may be an infant now, will gradually grow up to be a teenager and you will asked to tackle infinite problems then. Understanding tiniest of their thoughts and acting accordingly also counts! You will be asked infinite questions about dad and you will have to handle your work along with their lives! Huh… tough but true that only a woman can do this all.






Original Single Mom Quotes

Being single mom is not a joke. Single mother, indeed, is a sleep deprived superwomen who never fails to make her children fall asleep with interesting moral stories, no matter how much exhausted she might be feeling. Parenting is a tough task as it is, but imagine when you have to do the entire work all alone. There are so many problems that circle in your mind that is enough to make you feel exhausted just thinking about all these things. But when you hold your baby in your arm for the first time, you have this feeling that you cannot explain, but you know that, whatever the situation will be, you will fight through.






Raising a child alone is going to be very difficult, and the mom is going to face a lot of problems and maybe these life fixing quotes could become your source of inspiration right now. While it is difficult to pen down all the problems, here are some of the major problems that single mom goes through:

– With a newborn to raise they are trapped with the infinite responsibility that kind of ends their social lie and makes it very difficult to find a companion.






– We all parenting is hard as it is; there are lots of thorny areas, and your situation keeps changing as the kid grows up. The single mom has to bear all this weight all alone. They have to make all the decision by themselves which makes them emotionally weary.

– Does a single mom ever get over the guilt? There is guilt that comes from the existing family situation. The guilt of financial strain, guilt about all the things that they could have done but cannot.






– Honestly, doing things alone that were actually meant to be done by two people is exhausting. They often feel, emotionally, physically, and spiritually worn out. However, resting is not an option for them because their children life depends on them.

When you are a single mom, taking a break is not an option for you. While you may be feeling a lot of things, you need to be strong for yourself and your kid. You have to take certain steps to ensure that you don’t drift away. Here is how you can deal with your situation better.






Take control of your emotions






Once you gave birth, it is natural if you feel that your hormones are acting up. Other than feeling anxious and overwhelmed, you will be feeling abandoned and angry. You might be carrying unwanted guild due to your situation. And there is nothing that you can do about it. What is done is done; get yourself together because you have a child to raise. And that beautiful being wrapped around your arms will make your journey beautiful.

Don’t feel guilty






It is not your fault so stop blaming yourself. Besides, guilt is not going to helps you.

Take good care of your child: make sure to show love and affection to your child. Provide him or her with unconditional love and support. In the beginning when you are going through an emotional rollercoaster, it might seem hard to you but remember the child has only you to look out for.

Don’t forget about yourself






Raising a child is going to make you tired so you have to prepare yourself for that. make sure that you eat healthy and get healthy amount of sleep. Take some time out to do certain activities or meet friends. If you are feel de-motivated there are plenty of single moms quotes that will help you get the vibe back.

It is okay to ask for help





Don’t be shy to ask for help, you can schedule carpool with other parents. Call you loved ones for help when needed. You can also join a support group for single parents.

Sure the journey will be difficult, and there would be times when you feel like giving up. And then you will need these Original Single Mom Quotes. But remember your child needs you, and you have to be there for him/her. Besides even with all these hurdles, the journey is the most beautiful one that you will ever take.
