40 Majestic Fairy Garden Installations

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Miniature garden designs in big flower pots and majestic fairy garden installations are probing to be new trends even in small garden. Well, that seems to be a gateway to create tiny realistic landscapes which reflect the climatic atmosphere conditions and charming beauty of your natural surroundings. To create a pleasant and peaceful environment all around miniature garden designs and fairy gardens are the perfect art that capture every single detail in a significant way.

Being a human being, after hectic work schedule throughout the day, it’s obvious you all look for some sort of relaxation. The best way to do that is to look for hobbies with which you can keep yourself busy at home. Among popular activities like – cooking, knitting, making decoration items, doing interior changes, recycle and repurpose projects, creating fairy gardens proves to be a fun game for the people who are nature lover and enjoy gardening.

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Majestic Fairy Garden Installations

Are you familiar with the fact that adding right decorations to garden can liven up any home and make it look even better?

    • Fairy garden installation is an art and process of designing and creating plans for the symmetrical planting of small gardens and landscapes.
    • Garden installation can either be done by the owner itself or by professionals with years of experience.
    • Before starting fairy garden installation, it’s important to survey your space and browse landscape ideas to know what can be the best items to include.
    • The garden installation ideas are endless. You can use a small or large planter or deep container and decorate it according to a particular theme for your beautiful fairy garden design.
    • Fairy gardens are always in the form of miniature landscapes including plants, trees, wide terracotta pots, tiny houses, pathways, etc. These gardens are super cute and you will love to have one at your personal space. It seems that tiny creatures are living there and they are shinning like a star in the magical world.

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If you want to make something beautiful out of a small space without costing anything from the beauty of natural settings, then back to back majestic fairy garden installations ideas are here for your inspiration.

Fairy Garden Coffee Table

To install a coffee table into your fairy garden seems to be a tough job, but the truth can’t be neglected that it pumps the space full of life and also makes a very attention grabbing garden.They are so easily mingled with nature that it becomes hard to move them without destroying them.

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Bold Colors for Painting

Fairies are beautiful and they love colors in their life. So, paint the walls of the garden with attractive and bold colors. The fence and outdoor furniture everything must be covered with attractive and personified colors. Installing vibrant flowers is also a good option. So, pick your rich color palette and start painting in attractive way.

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One of the lovable items to install in a fairy garden is a Book. Since childhood times, you all must be hearing and reading stories of fairies form book only. Making a fairy garden inside it shows the timeless bond they share. Books seem to be the perfect ambiance to attract fairies.

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Houses turned into Tree

The next interesting installation to your fairy garden is the house made from a tree using the natural grooving curves of the living tree to reflect its artistic purposes and value. One negative aspect about this fairy garden installation is that you have to dig holes into through the tree.

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Wishing Well

Another wonderful addition to your fairy garden would be a wishing or drinking well.This type of idea usually comes in the dreams of people attracted towards the beauty of nature. A well made of stone is the best place for fairies to make a wish.

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Metal Container

You can use any kind of container to create the fairy garden, but old metallic container would prove to be among majestic fairy garden installations. Make a little colorful fairy house and surround it with container filled with small plants and trees, tables, or a fence. The fairies will love to live there with full comfort and they may even move in one night.

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Little Young Fairies

Adding few little fairies to your fairy garden will enhance its overall charm as the garden is all about fairies and adding accessories for their comfort. Decorate your garden with items such as – benches, fountains, swings and rocking chairs. You may find that fairies are relaxing on the rocking chair.

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Broken Pots

Using broken pots sounds quite interesting for bold effect. You can easily design a terraced garden that takes up the form of a fairy castle. You can also try to make staircase using the broken pieces giving a complete new outlook by adding plants and grass. Most important, don’t make it look boring. Add as many colors you can for a pleasant look. You can even place two or more pots together to form a larger fairy garden. This is among one of the latest majestic fairy garden installations.

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The fairy house surrounded with colorful flowers forms the pathway and looks like a pumpkin. Adding ferns will raise the charm of fairy house as mini conifers and the house seems like it’s in the middle of a dense forest.

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At last, we all must realize that garden installations are just meant to enlighten new hopes into our young generation, so that they spend less time indoors and get out in the garden.