Tattoos are getting very famous day by day. However, in earlier days people used to ink their name or god’s name on their hand. Now-a-days, we can easily see every second person engraved ink on their body. In western countries, after Lindbergh baby kidnapping all the responsible parents tattooed their children with unique identity or with name on their wrist. So, according to region, culture and society reason and history behind tattoos are different. Every religion, caste, region has their own myths or stories behind tattoos. But no one knows exactly from where tattoos became part of human civilisation. These days, every single person is using tattoos for one purpose i.e. to reveal his/her personality in unsaid words.
However, if you are new in this tattoo world then give yourself a try by engraving a tattoo on your body. Experts in this field will always suggest you to go with unique minimal tattoo designs. Below mentioned are some of the best tattoo designs which one should definitely try:Tattoos are becoming famous and extremely popular especially among youngsters. The latest tattoo designs are more creative, trendy, cute and unique. Almost everyone loves to get tattooed one or the other time in their life to show immense love to their partner.
Unique Minimal Tattoo Designs
Lucky number or dates:
This tattoo is for those who have found their soul mate in this world. Behind this tattoo design the idea is that you and your partner both engrave the date on which you both saw each other for the first time. It might be any date whichever you like: your first kiss, your first date or any special date which is so special in your relation that you want to engrave and don’t want to forget it ever.
Three ascending stars:
Three ascending stars look really pretty and adorable when it’s at a smiling and attractive personality. You can go for it on your wrist, neck, behind ear, ankle and umbilical or between thumb and index finger on your hand.
Half Moon:
This particular minimal design is for those who love the beauty of nature or those who adore the god made things like sun, moon, star, universe or planets. As moon symbolises the cool and calm nature, go for a half moon tattoo on your neck, top of back, ankle or behind ear. There is no hard and fast rule to go with a half moon tattoo, you can ink sun, stars, moon (full or half) etc.
Locked Heart and key:
Again an idea for couples, engrave a small locked heart on boy’s hand and key’s on girl’s hand. Please make sure on hand you are selecting the best, decent and sober place. A good tattoo needs a perfect place. This tattoo will indicate how much love you both share as a couple. Your friends and others will always be jealous at your love life. This is one of the best unique minimal tattoo designs.
Heart & mind, courage & fear, Love & hate etc. In this you need to engrave the opposite words. Make sure the positive or assertive words is on top side, just underneath the word ask the artist to draw a line and below that the opposite word.
Four circles:
You can opt for four different coloured vertically circles. These four circles can be filled with any colour of your own choice. Make sure black colour is the colour which is easiest to remove, whereas green and yellow these are two colours which are hardest to remove. You must be thinking why black is easy to remove, because black colour absorb heats and this is the reason why it is so easy to get rid of this colour.
All music lovers whatever genres they love can engrave a clef symbol on their body. It’s an unsaid indication to people around you how much you love music. You can engrave clef, music beat, music waves etc. These all tattoos will show your love towards your passion.
Followings are the benefits of minimal tattoos:
- These are easily acceptable in business or corporate cultures.
- Minimal tattoos are easy to hide, if you want to hide them.
- For engraving a minimal tattoo, there are no rules. Feel free to engrave anything, whatever you like and you want to.
- You can engrave any shape, design, lines, waves, symbol etc as per your personal wish.
We have discussed the history, benefits and some of the best unique minimal tattoo designs which you can go and get inked. If you are still left with doubts and questions in your mind, then you can surely take the help of internet to resolve your queries and doubts. However, we will again emphasis if you are going for the first time then go with minimal tattoo. At this time or in the beginning you won’t be able to understand this. But when you will face problem after engraving big tattoo after that you might understand these facts. Take your all time and end up taking a wise decision.If you are afraid of tattoos then you should try some cute and small tattoos to overcome your fear.