If you are the type of funny and creative guys who like to get dress up with your best buddies for parties, outings, celebrations, annual functions, fests in college or any other event then we will suggest you to consider this time being little more creative and make your own costume instead. This way you will have one of those kinds of outfits that one can’t buy from nearby store and you will end up saving a lot of pennies. So, for you we are going to share some of best and creative smart costume ideas to try this year. The great ideas are below mentioned:
Smart Costume Ideas to Try This Year
Teenage Ninja Turtles
Try to be more creative this time with your friends. You can use spray paint aluminium disposable trays as the shell for the turtles and with these teenage ninja turtle’s costumes. So, dress up in turtle green colour and wear right colour bands with go hand in hand with the turtle dress code. You will get a unique and ultimate costume stuff that people will rave about.
Teddy and caring bears
Brighten up the venue and parties by trying some new and unique cheery bear costume.
- With the help of coloured paper make the ears and pick up a bear dress to emulate.
- After collecting all the required costumes, wear it with requisite colours.
- In the end, make your bear belly out by putting some clothes or paper inside the dress and draw the symbol on it with sharpies on it.
Power Puff Girls
Planning to get dress up as power puff girls is among one of the smart costume ideas to try this year. All you need is to ask your other two friends to dress up in the same power puff costume. If they are getting ready then select your colour among these three: Green, Red and Blue outfits and don’t forget to add black belts over the dress to ensemble them. In case if you don’t have black belt, there are many other alternatives available like black duct tape etc.
Men in Black
This is something, which doesn’t require any explanation. As, this Hollywood movie is so famous that you when you think Men in Black, the costume of the lead actors come in your mind and now you must be laughing visualising you and your other two friends wearing a black suit with black shades on it. So, make your other friends ready to do the same and you will have your secret information as Men in Black group costumes have.
Platform for Social Media
This is among one of the easiest costume ideas to try as with very less efforts you are ready to do some unique and extra.
- All you need is to get dress up, unique activity start from here.
- Now you need to arrange a cardboard and on it draw your favourite social website like: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linked In, Pinterest, YouTube, Google + etc.
- Now, you need to take a print out of these or you can draw them on the cardboard.
- Finally the smart costume is ready.
101 Dalmatians
You can try about the 101 Dalmatians group. The best thing about this smart costume idea is that we can invite as many as friends or people who want to join us in our unique idea. To manage this dress code all you need is to get dress up in white outfit and after that use a black marker to create dots all over your dress. Use appropriate make up to draw spots around and on your face.
Alvin and Chipmunks
This is another great idea to execute: Alvin and Chipmunks. Get dress up in green, red and blue and on the yellow paper draw letter “A”. Cut it out with the help of scissor and paste it on the person wearing red colour outfit. Make some large ears and you will find yourself crooning in extra high pitch after some time.
People in Lego
With yellow paints, cardboards, poster boards and foam. You will turn your heads with the Lego group costume. Use the cardboard to make face and cut it to make eyes on it. Make use of yellow paint and paint the cardboard so that it becomes easy to make logo of Lego on your costume.
Yes, we believe that with the help of smart costume ideas to try this year many of you can find your costume. So, try to find out the ways to collect your smart costume to try and make a memorable evening which will filled your eyes with tears of happiness whenever you will scroll back to the past and look at the pictures of the event. You will happily find how lucky those days were and how much fun you used to have with your friends. So go and grab the opportunity and thrill the audiences with your smart costume ideas.Paper sculpture art is an ancient concept but these days it is becoming very popular and famous among many.