50 Magical Bird-feeders That Will Attract Birds in Your Garden

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Mother Nature has blessed us with an incredible beauty and a countless varieties of birds. Is there anybody who doesn’t find them-selves smiling after they see a different bird that they might have never seen before?

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These magical bird-feeders that will attract birds in your garden and add up an all new charismatic experience by helping you complete your responsibility towards Mother Nature’s miraculous gifts. And you don’t even need to spend much money since you can make best out of waste on your own.I think you will love these ideas. As we know installing an indoor mini garden in home is a fantastic way to beautify a home.

Magical Bird-feeders That Will Attract Birds

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Use the toilet paper roll
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Sounds amazing, yeah? All you need to make this amazing bird feeder is a toilet paper roll, bird seeds and peanut butter.

  • Take the toilet paper roll and put a coat of peanut butter over the outer part role.
  • Spread the bird seeds in a plate or tray and roll the toilet paper roll to cover it with the seeds thoroughly and hang it by simply putting it into a branch of the tree.
  • You can also make it by using pinecones according to the availability.

Why to leave Orange Peels off?

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It’s one the simplest way of making an attractive bird feeder merely by using orange peel, bird seeds, cord and a thick sharp object like pencil. You may get a hemispherical orange peel by cutting an orange into half and removing the pulp within. Using a thick sharp object make three to four holes at equal distance about half an inch below its circumference. Use the string or cord to hang it by making knots in the holes. Pour the bird seeds in the orange peel and hang it on the tree

Make a cereal garland!

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  • Arrange cereal seeds for birds with a hole in center and a string about 5 to 6 inches long.
  • See how simple it is! All you have to do is weave the cereal seeds by inserting the string in the hole and putting the knot to make a garland.
  • Make sure that the cereals and peanuts that you are using are not salted ones and other additives.

Make use of plastic soda bottles

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Yes! Even the trash can be useful in making the attractive bird feeders and that too in no time. Cut the bottommost part of the bottle and place it upside down. Make sure it’s cap I right there with the bottle. Stick the cap portion of the bottle in the mid of removed bottommost part of the bottle to get a pan like structure. Pour cereals or peanuts in the upper larger part of the bottle and water in that pan like structure so as to serve a complete lunch to the birds.

Wood log bird feeder

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Take a wood log of the dimensions of your desire and get a number of small holes drilled over it. You could make food for birds by mixing different cereals, grains and peanuts. Put this food for birds in the holes. Using a thick strong rope, you may hang the wood log on the branch of the tree. Make sure that the rope you are using is strong enough to sustain the weight of the wooden piece.

Wonders of Paint Cans

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  • Stay set with three unused paint cans, three half meters long ribbons, three chopsticks, paint colors and brushes and bird foods for different birds.
  • Color the outer portion of the paint cans to make them more attractive and set it aside to dry.
  • After drying, take a chopstick and stick it’s end portion in the inner side of the can leaving the rest of the part outside the can. This is was the bird to sit comfortably.
  • Tie the ribbon in the middle of the can and hang it wherever you wish to thereby putting bird food into it.

Share a cup of tea with birds

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Gerri Kopp uses plastic plates and cups to make wind chimes, bird houses  and birdfeeders.

Don’t get confused with this “cup of tea”. It simply implies that you may use a cup and a saucer to make a creative bird feeder. All you need to do is to stick a cup in the mid of the saucer and get three holes drilled equidistant from each other in the saucer.

Using ropes or ribbons tie a knot in the holes and hang it near you window by pouring food for birds. Enjoy watching blue tits near you window everyday then!

Don’t waste those ice cream sticks

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All you are going to require is around 60 ice cream sticks, paint color, glue and a cord. And bird food, of course! Place 15 sticks in a line and paste 2 sticks at their ends perpendicular to those. Then turning it over, again place another 15 sticks in opposite direction so as to make a stronger base. In order make a boundary, glue ice cream sticks at the border of the frame to get a central cavity where you are going to pour food. Tie rope and hang it outside the door or window or with the branch of a tree by putting bird food in it. You may decorate it by painting the outer portion of the complete structure.There’s nothing like spending time in a beautiful garden! A blooming space celebrates nature, soothes the soul and inspires creativity.

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This summer, put a step ahead to learn something new and help mother earth to save its beautiful creations. You are not farther from making new friends who will keep visiting your window every day. If you have any other suggestion or idea to create some other awesome bird feeder, please do share it here.