Daisy Flowers are extremely adorable. Simply keep a drinking glass over the paper and cut it around and pick a size that suits you the best. Cut the paper and make eight cuts on the paper. Now, fold the petals from the between. After folding the petals, open them and paste the flower with the stick.
Cupcake liners
To make cupcake liners you require 8 Cupcakes, pipe cleaners, straight pin, tape. First of all, Flat 8 cupcake with hands and with pin make two holes about half inch apart. Insert pipe cleaner inside the holes of cupcake and make sure you put them inside all 8 cupcakes. Bring the end of pipe cleaner through second hole and wrap the pipe with floral tape. Pinch all the cupcake but try it one at a time start from the top one. Repeat this with all the cupcakes. You have a lovely flower to adore and admire.
Delicate tissue flower
Tissue flowers are loved and adored by everyone and they are very simple to make. You simply require Tissue paper, scissor, and sting. Start by layering four tissue papers and fold them in accordion together. Pinch them together and place them on side. With string tie loops around the tissue and after that unfold it. Pull first layer up. Peel all the layers apart and after that peel the layers from other side. Decide a place to enhance the beauty of the place by this adorable flower.
These above were the creative and useful paper flower ideas which you can try at your own to decorate your living room and office cabin.