50 Creative and Useful paper flower Ideas

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Flowers are best gift to the humans by the nature. This can be only understood by the nature lovers that what actually flowers are. Globalization, Privatization, Advanced technology and many other things have changed human’s life upside down. But still people use flowers to show their love to their loved ones as flowers convey the unsaid things in the best ways.

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There are many people who used to decorate their home and office with flowers. So for them here is an option to try because daily changing flowers at home and office will cost you very much. For them here are some creative and useful paper flower ideas. These are mentioned below as such:

Creative and Useful paper flower Ideas

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Stained glass spring season Flowers

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For this you require things like, Black construction paper, scissor, and glue stick, blade and pencil crayon. Fold a black construction paper and draw your flower design on it. Now, cut the flower design on outer edges with the help of scissor. For the blank portion bring a colour paper of your favorite colour petal and cut them perfectly and after cutting paste them over them. Your flower is ready, now it’s up to you where you would to paste it.

Double Fringe Flowers


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These can be easily created and are a great help in decorating your office. Things required for this are Paper strip, scissor, toothpick, stick and glue.


  • Cut one paper strip and fold it lengthwise. Create a fringe by cutting at it at 45 degrees along at closed edge.
  • Attach quelling strip to its end as this will make the centre of flower decorating.
  • Tightly roll it from starting to the beginning using toothpick. You don’t need to shape the fringe they will come up themselves.
  • Try to fix the joint in between of the fringe and inner strip down. Now your fringe flower is ready to decorate your home.

Wall Flowers

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Dull and empty walls are not at all attractive. Decorate them with wall flowers. Take 4 colour napkins, glue and a scissor. Start by grabbing all four napkins of different colour and pile them on top of each other. Start folding napkins like a fan and keep flipping it and folding the next napkin on top of other. Pinch these napkins from the centre and staple them to hold. Now, cut a semi-circle at end so that it gets the shape of Scalloped.  Use scissor to trim and shape your petals as you wish them to like. Make 3 to 4 flowers and paste them in a row on your wall. This is very creative paper flower idea to decorate your home.

Pop-up Flowers

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For making pop-up flowers your require Cardstock, scissor, glue and 9 magazine pages. After collecting all the items, follow these steps:

  • Fold the first paper in half and next again fold in half. Hold the bottom left corner and fold it to top edge and crease it.
  • Take top layer of the fold paper and again fold it again to the bottom edge, crease it. Holding the paper cut the upwards creating a petal shape.
  • Now, unfold your flower and create 9 flowers like this. Glue the first flower on the piece of cardstock.
  • Paste each flower over the alternating flower and in the end. Then paste alternative petals and fold the cardstock over.
  • Keep something heavy on flower for next 2 or 3 minutes. After that, unfold it. And see your adorable and useful paper flower idea.


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