Add Fishes But Beware
It’s not like it’s dangerous to have fish in your water garden but when you’re using small containers like jars then it’s more likely dangerous for the fishes. Tiny fishes will add more appeal to your water garden undoubtedly but the plants on top of the surface are more likely to limit the oxygen to the fishes. So if you’re planning to add fishes to your water garden then you need to have large containers. Here are some great gardening hacks that you must know about.
Rusty Water Garden
There are just a few things that look better with a bit rusty look. Your indoor water garden can be one of them. You could use some enamels or old metal cookware as containers to have that rustic look. Make sure you clean them well before you use them or it your water garden is more likely to live for a not that long time. Surround them with few rocks and pebbles to add more feel to it. I don’t know about you, but with this inside my home, I’m not gonna miss my yard so much, especially in the cold days. You might also want to have a look at these modern garden ideas.
Aquatic or not, plants need sunlight. Some might need not much while others would need plenty. Keep that in mind when you are trying some great mini garden ideas. So find a space for your water garden where the sunlight is streaming through the windows. To get rid of the pungent smell, drop pieces of charcoal in the water. Keep these few things in mind and your water garden will keep blossoming.