40 Clever and Innovative Food Presentation Ideas

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Food and again my mouth watered. Is this the same phenomenon happening with you? The fact that a delightfully presented platter makes the eyes feel hungry and taste buds crave for it is so true! Moreover, taste buds are just the medium to eat and sense the flavor but what makes you wanna try a dish is the way it is presented for the eyes to perceive it. Despite the perfection of making a scrumptious cuisines and dishes, we often forget to pay attention to how it is actually appearing to be. No one is born connoisseur and pro, though these Clever and Innovative Food Presentation Ideas will make you one for sure. Why not devote just a little of your time into learning some genius tricks to make your lip-smacking dish more tasteful and tempting?

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Clever and Innovative Food Presentation Ideas

Double Check on Color Schemes

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A dish looks more delicious when there is more contrasting color scheme on the platter. Imagine oatmeal being served plainly with no added sauces and edible colorful items in it. I wouldn’t eat that! But if you add some berries to it along with sprinkle of green pesto or slices of bananas along with almonds and raisins, it will instantly make you wanna have it.

Cook Food Carefully

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  • When the cooking is about boiling or steaming the veggies first, go for steaming them up as to bring their more popping color out instead of the pale one. When you steam a vegetable it shows its texture and looks fresher in its vibrant and rich shade while boiling the same does the opposite and makes it look unattractive.
  • Both, the undercooked or the overcooked food makes it really challenging to present a food item in an impressive mouthwatering way. Undercooked food will taste bad while overcooked one will look wrinkled and fallen and so not presentable.
  • Fried foods, though, needs special treatment to give your Clever and Innovative Food Presentation Ideas just a perfect hit. While dealing with fried foods, firstly make sure that you have fried it nicely to get that golden brown tint. Now, after getting over with the frying and cooking thing, arrange a platter with paper napkins on it as to let them soak up the excess oil that would only make your dish look oily and way too greasy.

Texture is Important

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If your food is half-cooked or rough or too oily or too dry to eat then it would really doesn’t matter if you were perfect at presenting it. Texture and its presentation walk hand in hand. One factor lagging behind will pull other down too making your dish taste really bad.

Use Knife Creatively


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Cutting fruits and veggies or the stuff you are going to use for the toppings into different shapes is what we are talking about here. Clever and Innovative Food Presentation Ideas asks for you to get as much creative as you can and it does include the cutting of fruits and veggies uniquely. My grandma used to believe that cutting them in a different way makes them taste different too!

Imagine the Finished Platter

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Take into consideration the image of how your dish is going to look when served and finished by imagining the position of keeping the cuisine where it looks best. Note down the way your favorite restaurants serve you as to have some other Clever and Innovative Food Presentation Ideas. Well, tell you what, you must serve in a way so that there is only 2/3rd of the plate taken by the cuisines and the remaining is left free to provide the contrast and more focus to it.

A Few Must Know Rules

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  • Being odd wins you number one, isn’t it? It is true to the case of Clever and Innovative Food Presentation Ideas as well. It adds symmetry to the cuisine making it look more appealing when you place odd number of pieces on the salver.
  • Keep things in combination while serving the platter. For instance, don’t just serve too many soft or too many crunchy cuisines on a plate since it then loses the texture. Toppings really help in creating a beautiful texture.
  • Add some height to the dish while you serve by layering one over another as the chefs from popular restaurants do. Grasp some of the authentic culinary tricks and skills to layer and make your food look professionally served and attractive.

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Has it ever happened with you that at a restaurant you went “wow” just as you saw the dish coming? What makes your brain register the taste and the awesomeness of the cuisine is through your eyes first! Lets make your guests and friends know that you cook the best and be their master Chef with these Clever and Innovative Food Presentation Ideas and tricks.

Play with yummy flavors and fruits and cutleries and sauces to bring an all-new glory to your oh-so-yummy dishes and cuisines. Keep it simple and you will win the Clever and Innovative Food Presentation Ideas and make a perfect chef’s impression.
