25 Mind blowing iPhone hacks Every IOS User should try

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Having an I-phone is really a blessing. But to feel blessed, you need to know the right hacks to try. In this article we are going to share about some of the fabulous and mind blowing iPhone hacks that every IOS should try on his/her phone.

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Every iPhone users should know these facts to use the hidden features of iPhone.Being a parent is the most challenging task as there are number of ways of parenting your child.It is not at all easy to understand and cater to each and every need of a baby. some of the useful Baby Hacks for parents which are very helpful and can guide you to handle your baby in a more safe yet creative way.

Mind blowing iPhone hacks Every IOS User should try

Autocorrect typing: Make appropriate use of your keypad with the help of typing extra letter. Yes, in the first time you won’t believe this. You are in hurry to try this on i-phone. Let’s make you understand with an example: We need to type (we’re) all you need to type is WEREE.Mind blowing iPhone hacks Every IOS User should try0011

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  1. You can make use of Siri command for fixing alarm and it will assist you taking proper naps. This is a great and fabulous app for business men or someone who gives extra focus on time management.

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  1. Sometimes, we don’t know that this is possible in such short span. Every time whenever there is need to add .com, all you need is to press the period key to add this in domain.

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  1. Lock Info is an application with the help of this application again and again. You will get all the information regarding Facebook, twitter, other social media websites and all the other notification without unlocking i-phone.

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  1. You showing your friend something on phone, suddenly your girlfriend sends you a kiss or hug smiley. We know that’s looks weird. Just swipe on screen from right to left; you will get rid of notification.

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  1. OpenSSH app helps you to access i-phone file system remotely. But don’t forget the password when you change it in the beginning.

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  1. For i-phone users Bite SMS is the best alternative for message app. This advanced app provides you numerous applications like: Quick reply, signatures, delivery reports, quick compose, contact photos, scheduled messages etc.

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  1. Gauge in the direction or campus application – once you need to open the compass application on i-phone. Then swipe on screen from right to the left, you will be at the screen.

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  1. With the help of your headphones, you can change the tracks. For this you need to make use of play and pause key. Once press it, it will play/pause the song. Press twice, next track and if thrice then to the previous track.

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  1. You using calculator and accidentally you end up putting one extra zero; you need to swipe the screen from left to right will resolve your concern.

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  1. Sometimes we feel like we paying just for name but apple is something with gives so much of features which we can’t even imagine. Let’s give you an example, if you press your space key twice while typing it will automatically add full stop, space and will bring the letter in upper case.

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  1. Many apple users don’t know how influenced your apple apps box is. You can add many extra apps in this box; your favourite app is just two taps away from you.

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  1. iCaught Pro makes your i-phone more secure and proof. Whenever, anyone tries to unlock your phone without your information or without knowing the password. I-phone will take the picture of the user from front camera.

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  1. We can change the colour of the screen during night. It will change the screen black and text in white for less strain on eyes. You need to go to Settings – General – Accessibility – Turn On (Invert Colours). This is among one of the best and mind blowing I-phone hacks Every IOS User should try.

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  1. In android, users have file manager same is the logic behind i-file. With this app, we are able to open all the files and folders exactly the same way in file manager.

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  1. You can scroll back up at the top of any application, for this you need to tap at the top of the bar. This hack will provide i-phone user no more tedious and every time thumb scrolling down when you are away down.

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As incredible as it feels in the hands, I'm eager to get a case for it.

  1. With your apple i-pad or i-phone, you can use paired any Bluetooth keyboard. When you will attach keyboard to the device, it will turns into portable laptop. You can make the use of keyboard as you use it on any laptop or computer.

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  1. You can swipe your keyboards in two parts. Half on the right hand side and half on left hand side. For getting the results you need to swipe fingers two times across the keyboard on the screen.

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  1. When we open the message or unlock the screen late at night. In the beginning it’s very hard to focus on display. With the help of flux, your device will automatic adapt according to the time of the day.

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  1. Call bar: This option prevents you from calls on your I-phone when you writing email or playing hard. You will get the banner notification before it will land at your screen.

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  1. If you are in hurry to leave from your home and can’t charge your phone on way. Put it on airplane mode and charge it now, because it will start getting charged at double speed on airplane mode.

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  1. Turn on Guide access, when your child is playing games on your apple device. It won’t turn up ending on deleting some files or somewhere you children are not supposed to be.

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  1. Selfie was not so easy earlier, however on your apple or apple compatible headsets you need to press the Volume + key on Camera mode. It will automatically take your Selfie.

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  1. When you need an urgent access to camera, when you come at unlocking screen on the right hand side you get camera icon. Click there, it will bypass password and will land you directly in camera mode.

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  1. Safari download manager with this app you will be able to download everything from the internet. Even you will get download option on browser to download files.

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The above discussed hacks are absolutely mind blowing iPhone hacks every IOS user should try. We believe now you know your devices in much better way than earlier.Dogs lover may finds beautiful names for their dogs.