50 DIY Craft ideas that will change your life forever

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Wreaths are sometimes made up of flowers and sometimes of clothes. At different occasions such as wedding and Halloween parties, different types of wreathes are worn. The black wreath is made up of the same crepe paper which is used in black bouquet. Although, the color is black and the wreath is not as colorful as that of flowery wreath, but still it represents sophistication and class. You can easily make these on your own and with very little efforts.

Paper flowers and paper vases

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Flowers are liked by all that is why they are gifted round the world to many people. Their fragrance and aroma please our nostrils. But after few days, we see those once favorite flowers turn into old and no more attractive decorative pieces and ultimately we need to throw them. How great it would be, if make lovely paper flowers and keep them with us for a longer duration even for months. You can make roses, lilies and even sewing pattern flowers with the help colorful tissue papers and crepe-papers.

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