Wedding is a lifetime occasion for a groom and bride. It is considered as one of the most auspicious occasion in one’s life. Thousands of preparations and arrangements are done for a marriage to take place without any difficulties and hindrances. Families, friends, relatives, colleagues, neighbors, etc put in their best efforts and then a finally happy and prosperous wedding takes place.
Wedding banners, Balloons, candles, chandeliers all are useful decorative items which are used extensively whenever there is a wedding function. Wouldn’t it be exciting learning about useful wedding banner ideas and signs that can come handy? In this upcoming article we will be discussing about such useful ideas. Read on to find them.
Useful wedding banner Ideas and signs
Wedding banners does not only fulfill the role of a decorative item instead they are useful in many other ways too. They are a necessary and integral part of a wedding.
Source of Information
Banners are very good source of spreading information. Due to large size and limited information, they catch everyone’s eye and are a great source of spreading information. Wedding banners also help to convey the names of bride and groom and the wedding venue.
Inexpensive decorative item
Banners are a very unique yet elegant decorative item. It doesn’t cost much to get a banner printed or get it done by hands. Moreover, their beauty is adored by all in the weddings.
Personalized way of expressing feelings
With the help of wedding banners, grooms can propose their brides and vice-versa. They can write loving quotes for their partners in a personalized way and by decorating it in a special way. This is really an ultimate way of expressing your feelings.
Various types of Wedding banners
Different types of wedding banners are available in the market. You can even order them from number of online websites. Moreover, you can create and design your own personalized and customized banner and get it printed. A wedding and even a wedding car is incomplete without a wedding banner. With the help of useful wedding banner ideas and signs you can create a perfect banner for your loved one. Some of them are as under:
Just Married Personalized Banner
This is one of the most popular and most important wedding banners. A heart shaped base with a sweet tagline “Just Married” which is generally hanged at the back or at the bumper of the car is absolutely sweet and adorable. Not only this, you can create your own personalized banner too by way of following steps:
- Take a piece of cloth, a cushion or simply a cardboard or a wooden yarn.
- You can use paint brushes, markers and crayons.
- Paste the picture of your love-mate and yourself.
- Draw a heart in which you can write “Just Married”
- Put some sparkle or glitters around it and your banner is ready.
“Will you marry me” Banners
It a common practice that the groom proposes the bride for the marriage. It is not only on the occasion of the marriage that the banners are being made but for other functions such as ring ceremony, get-together, parties and church weddings. The groom can simply use Will you marry me banner to propose his beloved.
“Together Forever” Banners
The well wishers pray for the well being and long-term association of the couples. They want to see them stay together happily and produce healthy kids. With the help of Together Forever Banners, you can convey your feelings more appropriately. You can personalize them by putting pictures and your own words and quotes.
Best Wishes Customized Banner
A banner can be a great wedding gift too. If you want to give best wishes to your colleagues, friends or cousins, you can yourself design a wedding banner for yourself as per needs and requirements and give the same to them. It will give a very heart-touching feeling to the bride and groom both and it will be remembered for a long time.
Honeymoon Couple Banner and Signs
It is obvious that after the wedding ceremony, the couples will move on for spending some quality time together and for that they will go to their planned honeymoon destination. You can design a perfect, notorious yet loving banner and signs for them such as a big banner with “Do not disturb” tagline and pouting lips or even their romantic pictures.
These were some of the sweet ideas for designing banners for couples on the occasion of their wedding. You can also find out other useful wedding banner ideas and signs for the couples on various websites and online portals. Select the best one or design best according to your thoughts, feelings and emotions and let the bride and groom eel overwhelmed by it.