30 Sofa Set Arrangement Ideas to Improvise Your Living Room

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A home’s living room is indeed the area where most of the gatherings happen. It is the place where you entertain your guests, sit with a cup of coffee or just while away the time. Arranging a furniture can totally transform your house and get it into a totally different shape that will decide where you’ll sit and where you will do what! And talking of Living Room; isn’t it going to be the place where you will welcome your guests. First impression is the last impression and first impression has to be the most inspiring one and these Sofa Set Arrangement Ideas can help you get there.

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Sofa Set Arrangement Ideas

Face-to-Face Arrangement

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Arrange your sofa and chairs to face each other, with a table in between, so you and your guests can have a cozy chat. The table can hold the drinks.

Divide it up

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If you have a large living and dining space, use your sofa to create a divider between the living space and the dining space. Face the sofa away from the dining table and you have a clear demarcation. This is one of the sofa set arrangement ideas that create two rooms out of one!

Chairs instead of Sofas

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If you have a small living space that cannot hold too much, use four comfortable arm chairs instead. Throw in some comfortable cushions and pretty slipcovers, and you have a seating arrangement that works.

Hold it with a Rug

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Use a large carpet or rug to clearly mark out your sofa set area. The sofa can be against the wall, with chairs on the other edge of the rug. Throw a rug over one of the sofas or chairs for added effect. These sofa set arrangement ideas can really work. And in this world where people just cannot digest the common designs found in every second house they notice, traditional artwork denies to make them fall instantly.

The L-shape

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To keep the living arrangement more open, arrange your sofa set and chairs into an L-shape. It makes the room look larger than it is, and provides more space to move about in easily. Typically stirring idea if your living room is in length. It brings about symmetry with the area of the room occupying the corner of your house.

The Diagonal Arrangement

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Another way to make a small room look large is to arrange the chairs diagonally from the sofa. You are creating a kind of path into the seating area. The coffee table should be on the same axis as the sofa. Wouldn’t one of these sofa set arrangement ideas be ideal for your room?

A Lounging Space

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A sectional sofa arrangement is great if you want to spend a lot of time in your living room. You can use extra seating, to make your living area complete.

Two Seating Areas

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If you have a huge living space, and you want to throw a party, create different seating areas, with a dividing pathway. That way you can have two conversational groups at your party. Put one sofa with its back to the path between the two areas, to cement the separation.

Take in the View

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If you have French doors or windows that look out into a panoramic view, arrange your sofa sets and chairs around the view to allow your guests and yourself to soak it in. Nothing better than a view to pair with good conversation and drinks! Large windows with a beautiful view of a garden is admirable inspiration to hit right now.

Symmetry to it

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For a balanced look to your living space, have two sets of matching sofas on each side. A coffee table in the middle, some side tables to go with this arrangement, and it has a symmetrical appeal to it. Adding some more decorating stuffs like a flower vase as the table centerpiece and certain paintings that would be the masterpieces for your living space is, indeed, a good idea.

Divide into Activity Zones

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Use your sofas and chairs to divide the room into different activity zones. You can have some chairs and a table in one corner for casual meals and games and conventional seating in another corner, held together by a rug. This is one of the uncommon sofa set arrangement ideas you can use.

Center it on the Fireplace

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Use your fireplace to focus your seating arrangement on. Flank each side with sofas and chairs, and have a large coffee table in the middle. Rustic and vintage centered house counts on fireplace that brings an instant attraction to the living room of your house.

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These sofa set arrangement ideas are good combinations to try out and make your living space better. So, try any one of these or come up with your own creations. Combine it with a touch of vintage or give it a modern touch – customize the sofa set arrangements as per your tastes.