40 Magical Uses of Eggs in Daily Life

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An old adage goes, ‘An egg is a beautiful, sophisticated thing that can create more sophisticated things…’ While the saying may sound weird to few, eggs are recognized to have benefits galore. By benefits, we do not mean nutritional contributions or delectable dishes only. From egg whites to egg shells, there is no dearth of applications you can derive of. Are you in a hurry to finish your breakfast? Make an omelet in no time. Need to get a rejuvenating facial mask? Eggs can be your real savior as perfect natural products. Want a good conditioner for your tresses? Egg it is! With all these and more, you will be amazed at how eggs or their parts (even cartons and packs) can be utilized in varied ways.

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Merely hearing from others about eggs’ merits won’t prove useful. So it’s time you pore over the Magical Uses of Eggs in Daily Life.

Magical Uses of Eggs in Daily Life

Eggs as Nutritional Determiners:

If you wish to give yourself a much-needed health boost, rely on eggs. Basically, the goodness of eggs lies in both the yolk (90% of calcium and iron) and whites (more than half of egg’s protein). We understand many have an aversion towards this food item or take the example of pure vegetarians who refrain from consuming this wonder food. But if you want to know why we recommend eggs, read below:

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Your dose of vitamins guaranteed

• Vitamin A and Vitamin B2, highly important for determining growth in youngsters
• Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), lets the body break food particles to release energy
• Vitamin A (retinol), betters eyesight and vision
• Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), for production of RBC’s
• Vitamin E (tocopherol), fights off free radicals that can later cause cellular and tissue damages and even cancer

Essential minerals follow next

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Iron, zinc and phosphorus are replete in eggs. Iron constitutes for most part of the blood, zinc cares for your immunity and phosphorus maintains health of bones and teeth. In addition to these, iodine and selenium, an antioxidant for minimizing chances of cancer are also present in traces).

Low-calorie protein indulgence

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A medium egg has about 6.5 grams of protein and 70-85 calories. Actual protein needs differ according to age, gender, physical attributes and level of activity, so experts are indeed the best people to talk to when asking for exact requirements. Yet, protein share from eggs make for a large proportion of the total intake.

Weight loss help

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Even if it sounds unbelievable, eggs are not ‘fattening’. No wonder, research has established that eating eggs for breakfast can limit the calorie intake all day. Eggs also contain ‘dietary cholesterol’ (not blood), so eat to your heart’s content.

Prevention of breast cancer

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Research work lays down that choline (in egg yolks) reduces the risk of breast cancer significantly. So if you can manage to get a couple of eggs poached to begin your day or try out healthy egg recipes, chances of being affected by breast cancer are lessened.

Eggs as lip-smacking dishes

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Whether baking a cake or making custards, cookies or puddings, boiling and cooking over low heat or shallow-frying followed by seasoning with spices; there is no end to experimenting and coming up with innovative egg recipes. Even at a time when you choose not to have eggs, hope is not lost for cakes, egg tarts or other delicious treats can indeed make you go weak in your knees! Sometimes garnishing an egg recipe with applesauce, bananas or a combination of dry fruits can work wonders.

Aside eggs brushed on bread surfaces, pie crusts, pretzels, cookies or biscuits, well-cooked meals with eggs as staple food items are favored by many. Scrambled eggs, egg and omelet curries, egg-mushroom salads, egg mayonnaise sandwiches or creamy pastas are few notable ones that you dare not give a miss.

Eggs as viable skin and hair care solutions

Let’s discuss about natural beauty treatments including homemade facial masks and hair packs, all of which have egg as their basic constituent. For starters, you can use this ‘always-available-in-your-fridge’ item for multiple uses.


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• To get rid of skin ailments like rosacea, open pores, rashes and acne
• Toning your skin
• The whites for firming pores
• Reducing under-eye puffiness

Alternatively, you can combine eggs with other natural items as effective face pack ideas:
• Oatmeal-Egg white pack (oily skin use)
• Olive Oil-Egg yolk (dry skin use)
• Honey-Rosewater-Egg (smooth complexion)
• Yoghurt/Honey-Egg (added glow and removal of tan)

Hair care

We are aware of hair shafts containing a certain protein called keratin that can be actively stored by eggs when used for hair masks. So whether you wish to reap in the benefits by treating your damaged hair or simply flaunt your healthy locks, eggs can be your best friend.

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Take a look how:

• Egg white pack (oily hair use)
• Skimmed milk-Egg pack (dry hair use)
• Yoghurt-Egg pack (hair conditioner)
• Lemon-Egg pack (add volume and shine)

While it might surprise you how this one miracle ingredient can prove so effective for almost all types of hair and skin, the truth is it does. But stay away from it if you are allergic to eggs and for those who are not, know how to use a pack and take off when done, lest it proves adverse.

Eggshells and Egg Cartons steal the show
Before you throw off those eggshells, now you might consider giving this space a look-over. Not just for culinary or beauty measures, the role of eggs is truly far-fetched.


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• Pest controlling
• Laundry whitening
• Drain cleaning
• Facial masks
• Anti-itch treatments
• Enhancing the taste of bitter coffee
• Composting

Egg Cartons

And yes, it is true! Take a look how:

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• Craft Purposes
• Paint Cups
• Fire-starters
• Mancala-the game
• Organizers
• Seedling foundation

Surely, this comes as a worthy read for the artsy people who have now got plenty of ideas to utilize rather than disposing off stuffs that were never regarded of. It now makes sense of saying Magical Uses of Eggs in Daily Life because without this vital item, life can indeed come to a standstill, at least for few. Did we say, Easter eggs spread the message of happiness and brings a beautiful smile to your face?